National Barbie Day

Today, March 9th, we celebrate National Barbie Day and the iconic toy that has captured the hearts of generations since its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York in 1959. Created by Ruth Handler, Barbie was a game changer in the world of toys as the first to feature adult features, making her a true first of its kind.
Barbie's marketing strategy was ahead of its time, relying on television advertising and targeting children directly. Since then, the toy has become a global phenomenon, selling over a billion dolls worldwide in more than 150 countries. While critics have accused Barbie of promoting an unattainable ideal of womanhood due to her unrealistic figure, the brand has evolved over the years to offer a more diverse and inclusive range of dolls, with positive role models in business, science, education, and more.
In 1998, Barbie was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame, cementing her place in history as an American icon. And as the years go by, Barbie continues to evolve and change, keeping up with the latest trends and headlines.
If you're feeling nostalgic today, we invite you to take a look in your closet, attic, or basement to see if you have any vintage Barbie dolls tucked away. If so, please consider connecting with our founder Priscila Teixeira, who collects vintage Barbies and would love to take them off your hands and care for them. Let's celebrate National Barbie Day together and honor this beloved toy that has brought joy to so many over the years.